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CCMP95-RD-209 中醫藥人才培訓 IV - 中醫藥基因體研究及其核心技術訓練

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-03-01
  • 更新時間:109-02-18

中醫藥人才培訓 IV - 中醫藥基因體研究及其核心技術訓練

本計畫由北部台北醫學大學主辦,結合中央研究院、中國醫藥大學、高雄醫學大學三所大學資源整合,舉辦學術研討會與相關核心技術研習會 (Workshop) 的併行以培訓中醫藥基因體學人才,加速推動台灣中醫藥基因體相關研究,使達成中醫藥科學化的長期目標。學術研討會的主旨是邀請中醫藥鑑定純化、中醫藥臨床研究、中醫藥輔助醫療、中醫藥資產保護與技術轉移、基因體醫學、蛋白體與結構基因體,及生物資訊等專家就主題「如何利用基因體學方法來加強並推動中醫藥研究」作切入性的分析及討論。計畫中除專題演講之外,並逐年設有基因體(Genome)、蛋白體(Proteome)、結構基因體(Structural Genome)、生物資訊學(Bioinformatics)、系統生物學(Systems Biology)和代謝體(Metabolome)等核心實驗技術及數據統整分析的現場觀摩與實習,由全國選出多組代表參與,以確實達成技術訓練的宗旨,並積極加強推廣國內中醫藥基因體學相關的研究進展,以在國際上相關的中醫藥整合型研究佔有領先地位。

Development of Human Resources on Chinese Medicine IV -Genomic Approach to Chinese Medicine and Its Core Techniques Training Program

Mei-Hsien Lee
Taipei Medical University
This project aims to develop domestic human resources on Chinese medicine by organizing the academic conference on genomic approach to Chinese medicine as well as the workshop on genomic core technique training programs. The project is organized by the Taipei Medical University, China Medical University, Kaohsiung Medical University, and Academia Sinica. The conference programs are focused on topics including Genomic medicine, proteomics, structural genomics, bioinformatics, and systems biology approaches on Chinese medicine,Identification and purification of Chinese medicine, Clinical studies on Chinese medicine, complementary and alternative healing practices on Chinese medicine, Intellectual property protection and technical transference on Chinese medicine. In addition to the scientific conference, the experimental training programs are also provided year by year as core techniques related to genomic medicine, proteome, structural genome, bioinformatics, systems biology, and metabolome. This project is developing domestic human resources on Chinese medicine, facilitating to elucidate the genomic medicine on Chinese medicine.
關鍵字:Chinese medicine;human resources;genomic medicine on Chinese medicine