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CCMP95-RD-213 中草藥材對急性發炎動物細胞激素基因調控之探討

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-06-09
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


近年來環保及抑制溫室氣體排放,已成為世界各國關注的重要課題,使用再生能源可避免化石燃料發電污染,因此日益受到重視。台灣的能源百分之九十五以上從國外進口,因此減低進口能源的依賴,積極開發本土新能源,亦即再生能源與潔淨能源,乃成為我國目前能源發展的目標。風力發電具有低污染,低維護成本以及無需燃料供應的優點。由於近十年來研發技術不斷進步,人民對於環保的重視以及政府再生能源政策的提倡與推廣,已使得風力發電具有替代化石燃料的潛力並成為未來電力開發重要來源之一。儘管風力發電擁有許多優點,但是如何將風力發電與電力系統整合仍是一大挑戰。風力發電與其他電力能源最大的不同點在於其”不連續性”。由於風力發電電量會隨著外在環境而產生明顯變動,使得系統規劃調度時如何將風力發電變動納入考量增加一定的困難。因此,在實施機組排程調度時, 必須將額外的快速反應備轉機組納入考量,提供安全的備轉容量以避免因風力發電的不連續性對系統調度運轉產生衝擊而造成短期電量短缺,整體規劃成本將因而提高。根據台電公司的系統規畫,至2010年時,風力發電全國總裝置容量將達到2000MW,約為核二廠單一機組985MW的兩倍。為確保未來的供電穩定安全及可靠,及早擬定調度運轉策略並研擬出一套安全的調度策略,作為系統調度參考的依據是目前台電急需解決重要課題之一。本計畫研究人員在風力發電研究上擁有豐富的經驗及學術基礎。曾參與澎湖風力發電發展計畫,對於風力發電及相關研究有深度的了解與經驗。

Effects of Chinese medicinal herbs regulate cytokines gene expression in inflammatory mice

Bi-Fong Lin
National Taiwan University
Wind energy has gained an extensive interest and become one of the most promising renewable energy alternatives to the conventional fuel based power resources. Since Taiwan is not rich in land-based energy resources, 95% energy resources are imported from other countries. In order to encourage the use of renewable energy to reduce the dependency of the import energy resources, the government’s target share for renewable energy in terms of installed capacity is 12% of the total by 2020. The development of wind electricity generation has rapidly growth over the last decade, largely due to the improving in the technology, the provision of government energy policy and the public concern about global warming and limited resource of conventional fuel based generation. The wind power can be supplied at low cost of maintenance and with no expense for the fuel, and has shown a great potential to possess as significant portion on electricity generation in a near future. Despite various benefits of the wind electricity generation, the integration of wind energy into the electric grid is difficult to manage. The distinct feature of the wind energy from other energy resources is that produced energy is “intermittent”. The wind energy usually fluctuated rapidly, which imposes a big difficulty to capture the wind energy in the generation planning.
關鍵字:Chinese Traditional herbs;NF-kappaB;cytokine