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CCMP94-RD-020 低劑量中藥材砒霜(三氧化二砷)在實體腫瘤治療上的應用-強調在抑制腫瘤轉移之輔助性療法及其機轉研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:94-01-04
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


中醫學上運用砒霜(三氧化二砷)已有好幾千年的歷史,美國食品藥物管理局 (FDA) 於2000年9月正式批准三氧化二砷使用於治療急性前髓球性白血病,可說是從傳統中藥發展為現代製劑的最佳範例。高劑量的三氧化二砷具有顯著的毒性作用,因此,儘管近年來三氧化二砷運用於其他惡性實體腫瘤治療的研究日漸增多,並無令人滿意的結果。我們過去一年的研究顯示低劑量三氧化二砷可以用來作為實體腫瘤治療的重要輔助性藥物,尤其可用於腫瘤轉移之抑制。腫瘤細胞轉移是造成癌症病人死亡的主要原因。對於無法完全手術治療之腫瘤,各種治療方式,包括化學治療及放射治療無法提供令人滿意之療效。本計畫的目的在研究三氧化二砷如何最適切的與現今主要治癌技術併用,以達到對實體腫瘤的最大療效。本研究計劃規劃為動物試驗與分子作用機轉探討二大部分;第一部份為運用動物試驗模式探討低劑量(三氧化二砷)在正規臨床治療後對腫瘤轉移復發之輔助性療效。將由手術治療、放射線治療及化學治療後抑制腫瘤轉移復發之成效進行研究。第二部份為探討低劑量三氧化二砷對抑制腫瘤轉移復發之輔助性功能之分子作用機轉。將由腫瘤血管新生抑制作用與腫瘤細胞侵襲轉移抑制等方面進行研究。針對這些問題本計畫邀集了臨床上對於三氧化二砷使用具豐富經驗的楊志興醫師、國內對腫瘤血管新生研究轉移及訊息傳遞研究成果卓越的郭明良教授,病理科鄭永銘醫師及生物統計及流行病學專家游山林博士等共同參與。我們期望在此計畫中建立三氧化二砷運用於侵襲與轉移的治療研究模式。本研究結果將有助於更深入了解三氧化二砷的抗癌機轉與擴展其應用,以做為臨床應用之依據。

Application of low-dose arsenic trioxide on the treatment of solid tumors-focusing on the adjuvant use as an antimetasstatic drugannd investigating the mechanism of action.

Lin-Hung Wei
Nation Taiwan University College of Medicine and Department of Oncology
Arsenic trioxide has been used in the traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. The modern era for the clinical use of arsenic began in the September 2000, when the FDA of the United States approved the application of arsenic trioxide in the treatment of acute premyelocyticleukemia. Despite arsenic being an active anti-cancer drug, chronic exposure to arsenic and arsenic derivatives can also have toxic effects. Only at low doses do the therapeutic benefits outweigh the toxicity. Our previous study has demonstrated the feasibility of low dose arsenic trioxide as an adjuvant drug in the treatment of solid tumor, especially in the inhibition of tumor metastasis. As we all know, tumor metastasis accounts for most of cancer death. For patients with malignant disease who cannot be radically treated by surgery, the current adjuvant therapy such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy still has great room for improvement. Arsenic can influence various cellular effects, which include apoptosis induction, growth inhibition, promotion of differentiation, and angiogenesis inhibition. The mechanisms of action of ATO, depending on the cell type and applied concentration of arsenic, may be attributed to its effect on cellular signaling, redox status, stress response, and caspases activation.
關鍵字:arsenic trioxide;tumor metastasis