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CCMP93-RD-102 從基因體學的層面探討雷公藤和漢防己甲素對T淋巴球活化的調節作用(3-3)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:93-06-05
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


在治療自體免疫疾病的中藥中,首推雷公藤和漢防己甲素在動物和人體的實驗中做得最為透徹。除了治療關節炎,漢防己甲素也被證實可有效的治療矽土沉著病(silicosis)。 這兩種中藥雖然已被廣氾的用於臨床上治療病人,但一般醫藥學的研究者和社會大眾對它們的作用機轉並不十分清楚。 過去幾年,我個人實驗室針對雷公藤和漢防己甲素對T淋巴球的免疫抑制作用機轉作了研究,而這部分的研究成果已被陸續刊登 (Ho et al., Journal of Rheumatology, 26:14-24, 1999; Ho et al., European Journal of Pharmacology, 367:389-398, 1999; Lai et al., Transplantation, 68:1383-1392, 1999;Lai et al., Journal of Immunology 166:6914-6924, 2001)。 近幾年基因醫藥的發展日新月異,一個小小的基因晶片便可將許許多多的訊息囊括其中。因此,在後續的實驗計畫中,我們準備探討在眾多T淋巴球活化後表現的基因中,有哪些基因可被雷公藤和漢防己甲素所抑制,此外,在漢防己甲素及其類似結構物中,哪一種效果最強?它們對不同基因表現的抑制是否有差別?這些訊息對日後雷公藤和漢防己甲素的臨床測試將有莫大的幫助,這部分的研究成果也將為日後中藥用於治療自體免疫疾病的患者提供更廣泛且實用的科學依據。

Investigation of the immunomodulatory effects of TWHf and Tetrandrine on T lymphocytes using genomic approaches(3-3)

Jenn-Haung Lai
National defence medical center
Among the chinese herbs prescribed for rheumatic patients, tripterygium wilfordii Hook f and plant alkaloid tetrandrine are the two that received most extensive attentions from basic and clinical researchers. Aside from the treatment for arthritis, tetrandrine is also used for the therapy of silicosis. Although these two drugs are extensively used, their immunosuppressive mechanisms are far from understood. In past few years, we have been working on examining the molecular mechanisms of these two drugs on human peripheral blood T cells, the most important regulators in our immune system. The accomplishment of these works have been published in several renown journals (Ho et al, J. Rheumatology, 26:14-24, 1999; Ho et al, Eur. J. Pharmacol., 367:389-398, 1999; Lai et al, Transplantation, 68:1383-1392, 1999;Lai et al., J. Immunol. 166:6914-6924, 2001). Since genomic medicine has become one of the major fields in both clinical and basic research, we sought to use microarray analysis to id
關鍵字:Tetrandrine,TWHf,T lymphocyte,Immunosuppression,DNA microarray