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CCMP101-RD-034 建構中醫師臨床教學與學習平臺

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-08
  • 更新時間:111-02-14


實施方法:1. 舉辦專家學者會議,尋求共識。2.藉由問卷了解對目前訓練計畫之意見。3.擬定臨床教學與學習平臺的訓練綱領。4.規劃師資認證方式。5.設計課程內容。6.發展中醫臨床技能檢定。7.建立雙向回饋評核機制。

Construction of clinical teaching and learning platform for Chinese medicine doctors

Chen-Huang Cheng
Taipei City Hospital Linsen Chinese Medicine Branch
Objective: To construct a clinical teaching and learning platform for Chinese medicine doctors.
Method: 1.Hold the specialists meetings. 2.Use questionnaire to gather the opinion of junior Chinese medicine doctors and medical students to current training course. 3.Design the training programs of the clinical teaching and learning platform. 4.Develop the clinical skills training and assessment for the Chinese medicine doctors. 5.Use questionnaire to gather the feedback opinion.
關鍵字:Clinical teaching and learning platform, Chinese medicine clinical skills, Chinese medicine doctor