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CCMP101-RD-012 兩岸中藥藥典協合化研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-07
  • 更新時間:106-06-12



Cross-Strait Investigation on Harmonization of TCM pharmacopeia

Yuan-Shiun Chang
China Medical University
To safeguard and improve the lives of all people living in Taiwan and China, to guarantee their right to health and promote health policies across the Taiwan Strait, on December 21st, 2011, Chiang Pin-Kung, Chairman of Taiwan’s Semi-Official Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF), and Chen Yunlin, President of Beijing-Based Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait (ARATS), signed a “Cross-Strait Agreement on Medical and Health Cooperation.” The agreement came into effect on June 26th, 2011, of which “research and exchange in traditional Chinese medicine and safety administration in traditional Chinese medicinal materials” pointed out the perspective of establishing source management on Chinese crude drugs; strengthening inspection on exporting materials from mainland China; and tracking or handling adverse reactions/events to prevent unsafe Chinese medicine resources to cross border. Additionally, TCM related methods on clinical treatment would be exchanged as well.
Expansion in trade between China and Taiwan present a growing need to develop harmonized quality standards. On August 1st, 2011, the first conference of “Cross-Strait Biopharm Insight” was held in Beijing, and it was decided that the collaboration in traditional Chinese medicine between China and Taiwan would be initiated by conducting exchanges on pharmacopeia harmonization and concentrated TCM preparations. Most of the traditional Chinese medicine used in Taiwan comes from the mainland, besides the regulations, exchanges and comparisons on genuine crude drugs from China, Taiwan TCM products and cross-strait pharmacopeia harmonization are also vitally important. The major subjects of this project included: 1. conducting an analytical comparison between the pharmacopeias of China and Taiwan, 2. gathering local experts to confer on pharmacopeia related researches and modality for cross-strait cooperation, 3. holding a panel discussion on the revision of pharmacopeia by inviting both domestic and mainland experts to share their experience and regulations on traditional Chinese medicine before holding a symposium that is open to public. Based on equality and mutual benefit, it is anticipated that collaborating projects would be achieved to encourage the Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy to push forward cross-strait researches on traditional Chinese medicine, provide quality control basis on Chinese crude drugs for the herbal industry and develop a market in mainland China for TCM products from Taiwan.
關鍵字:Cross-strait cooperation; Pharmacopeia; Panel discussion; Conference; Harmonization