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CCMP101-RD-007 中醫藥研究人才培訓課程

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-07
  • 更新時間:106-06-12


為培育中醫藥人才提升研究能、開設中藥研究技能相關課程 ( 研究資源, 研究方法,專利保護 健,論文發表,撰寫計畫) ,配合整體課程規畫將邀請專家學者開授課程及實務應用及操作 並參考 中醫藥委員會100年錄製光碟資料製作成基層中醫師教學光碟。經由專家學者會審後開課 訓練學員應用全民健康保險資料庫設計實驗 、參家國內外學術會議 (投稿五篇)、 投稿論文 (sci 兩篇)、 研究成果智財權之保護、撰寫研究計畫 (一個)、同時介紹國際最新之中醫藥研究新資訊、國際會議、紹實證傳統醫學 、以及轉譯醫學 增加吾中醫藥研究在國際之能見度,其目標在加速促進中醫現代化、中藥科學化及中醫藥國際化
關鍵字:強化中醫藥專業知能、研究能量 專利申請、發表國際論文

Education course for Academic researchers on Chinese Medicine

Fei-Peng Lee
Wanfang medical center
Chinese medicine is a traditional medicine for 5000 years. In Taiwan over 5000 Chinese medicinal doctor, they want a academic education and evidence reseach for the clinical application in the world. This project will eatablish a systematic scientif research courses to approach the translational medicine and publish the international paper (SCI, SSCI) or conference presentation.
The course will contain research sources, literature survey, partent application, paper and manuscrption publish technique, research project design, research and labarotary technique training,,and trslational medicine application. In this year, we will training 20 Chinese medical doctors or researchers on Chinese medicine. Finally, the 20 training researchers, will submit 5 presentation paper, 2 manuscrption and 1 research proposal of academic Chinese medicinal reports.
關鍵字:Chinese Medicine Academic education, research design, partent and paper publish