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CCMP100-RD-119 台灣常用藥用植物圖鑑專書編修(2-2)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-07-05
  • 更新時間:106-06-12



Revision on the “Illustration of Common Medicinal Plants in Taiwan” (2-2)

Huang, Dong-Jiann
China Medical University
Accurate knowledge on medicinal plants is vital for the advancement of Chinese herbal industry. To promote better understanding of medicinal plants, the Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy (CCMP), Department of Health, Executive Yuan especially commissioned Professor Hsieh, Wen-Chiuan to compile up the past 25 years (1967-2001) of research results and on-the-spot investigations by China Medical University on medicinal plants in twenty cities and counties in Taiwan into a series of books. The “Illustration of Common Medicinal Plants in Taiwan” was later published into a book series of three volumes from 2002 to 2004.
To promote international exchange and allow people from all over the world to get to know the medicinal plant resources in Taiwan, CCMP asked for the book series to be translated into English. The English version of the first volume is nearing finalization and will soon be published. However during the composing process, many problematic contents were uncovered; for example a number of plant names did not match their pictures; some of the descriptive languages were not precise enough or consistent; false Latin names, etc. To make the content in the “Illustration of Common Medicinal Plants in Taiwan” more complete and accurate, CCMP has especially listed the revision of “Illustration of Common Medicinal Plants in Taiwan” as a research focus for the year 2010.
This project was originally planned to be divided into three years. A revision committee will be comprised of botanical taxonomy and Chinese medicine experts, who will share the work of revising the picture, morphology, content, pharmacology and efficacy. In the duration of this three year project, the revision of the first volume will be completed in the first year, and 750 copies will be published. In the second year, the second volume will be revised and 300 copies will be printed, additionally 50% of volume III will also be drafted. In the third year, revision of volume III will be accomplished, and 300 copies will be published. Through the suggestion of CCMP, volume Ⅱ and Ⅲ will both be completed and published in the second year and 300 copies of each volume will be printed. The three volumes will also be made into e-books.
During the process of this project, it is also aimed at making the Chinese and English versions as consistent as possible, shaping these literary work ideal for users.
關鍵字:Illustration of common medicinal plants in Taiwan, Medicinal plant, Illustration, Revision