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CCMP100-RD-116 針灸及傳統醫學醫療交流訓練中心 (2-2)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-07-05
  • 更新時間:106-06-12

針灸及傳統醫學醫療交流訓練中心 (2-2)

實施方法: 彙編針灸及傳統醫學之標準化教學訓練教材,並辦理台灣優質中醫師國際人才培訓。辦理國際衛生人才針灸及傳統醫學短期培訓課程,以及中醫藥國際研討會,邀約各國學術團體及衛生主管機關參加。參訪其它國家的傳統醫學研究並進行交流。成立台灣中醫藥國際交流訓練中心的部落格,讓更多人能透過網路平台獲得本中心的聯絡資訊,使更多有志於學習針灸及傳統醫療的國際人士能參與本中心的培訓計劃。除此之外並於署立台北醫院、台北榮民總醫院、國立陽明大學、台北醫學大學等合作提供轉介受訓人員至本單位參訪學習。
至今本中心已成立十一個月。在這十一個月中共承辦一次國際會議、辦理三次研討會及接待各國嘉賓及外籍學生參訪共約二十次。所參訪的來賓包含各地人士從美洲、歐洲、中東到亞洲皆有不僅提升本中心在國外的能見度也讓更多國際人士了解台灣對傳統醫療的嚴謹訓練傳承。本年度的兩次研討會一次與陽明大學合作提供中醫英文教學並開放參觀,同時也提供給有興趣的人士參與。另一次者是與德國針灸醫學會(German Society of Studying Acupuncture)主席 Dr. Eckl合作進行維期兩週的中醫藥暨針炙學術研討會,除了由本院醫師演講外也特邀Dr. Eckl與本院人員進行演講分享就德國的中醫藥發展及針灸實用狀況。第三次為今年九月與陽明大學國際學程合作共同辦理第三次中醫藥研習營,本次重點為基本中醫理論之論述。

Advanced Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine Training Center (2-2)

Hsu Chung-Hua
Taipei City Hospital
Our goal is to establish the advanced acupuncture and traditional medicine training center. The center offers training and exchange programs of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine for medical workers from allied countries to train in Taiwan. In addition, through the center, we could strengthen cooperation with foreign academic institutions, or the health authorities to make traditional Chinese medicine in Taiwan be seen. It is necessary to establish the center with a view to achieve the promotion of advantages of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Taiwan and to open Taiwans international reputation in TCM.
We compile the English texts of TCM and then try to write a handbook about TCM for medical workers from allied countries to train in Taiwan. Train the TCM doctors and pharmacists to learn the TCM in English and make lectures to introduce the TCM to the foreigners. Hold the international conference and workshop to make international communication. We also establish the website of Taiwan International Traditional Chinese Medicine Training Center and we put the international program applying form and our training information on the website to make the volunteers to know and apply. We also cooperate with National Yang Ming University、Taipei Medical School、Taipei Veterans General Hospital and Taipei hospital which will transfer the medical workers from allied countries to our training center. Then we will depend on their specialty to make a course or arrange the visiting for them.
Since November 2010, series of international conferences and workshops have been held. We have been held one international conference with Mongolia, two workshops and ten times of guest visiting and five times of international trainees. With the medical workers from abroad they come to participant the program of advanced acupuncture and traditional medicine training center. One of the workshops cooperates with National Yang-Ming University to let the international students come to our training center to accept the TCM classes. The other workshop cooperates with Dr. Eckl who is the chief of Germany Society of Studying Acupuncture. We invite Dr. Eckl to make lectures about the TCM and CAM in German and share the experience of acupuncture.
Comparison the participants of before the training center established and now, we could discover in the 2010 the participant about 400 people is more than in 2009 the participant about 165 people. After the training center is established we also manuscript the handbook of TCM.
In this project we create many opportunities to promote advantages of TCM in Taiwan and to open Taiwans international reputation in TCM. In 2012, we will host an international conference with Brazil and the third workshop of TCM and acupuncture.
關鍵字:advanced acupuncture and traditional medicine training center, TCM.