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CCMP91-RD-116 中藥藥膠布及藥酒製劑成分分析及其釋出效應之研究(3-2)-藥酒製劑對免疫力之評估

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:91-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


田乃月 詹明修
國人在滋補養生、強壯與增強對疾病的抵抗力方面一向十分重視,其中藥酒製劑一直扮演著重要角色。由於多種藥酒所採用的生藥具有增強免疫功能的功效,所以藥酒製劑是否能增強免疫能力是我們有興趣探討的問題。本子計畫第一年主要針對多年計畫「中藥藥膠布及藥酒製劑成分分析及其釋出效應之研究」中的兩項藥酒製劑,金門龍鳳酒及十全大補藥酒,以動物模式評估藥酒製劑對被餵食藥酒動物免疫能力的影響。第二年則以龜鹿二仙酒為處方。免疫能力評估所選擇偵測的項目,均參照行政院衛生署所規範「健康食品之免疫調節功能評估方法」為基準1。實驗小鼠在餵食藥酒,純水或與藥酒相同比例的乙醇之後,比較免疫功能的差異。免疫功能的評估分為“非特異性免疫反應”與“抗原特異性免疫反應”兩大項: 第一項非特異性免疫反應,包括偵測小鼠免疫細胞對裂殖素刺激所引發的細胞增殖效應,以及細胞激素分泌程度的能力、免疫細胞族群比例之變化、自然殺手細胞的毒殺癌細胞活性,與吞噬細胞的活性。其目的為整體性免疫系統的評估。第二項則以特定抗原OVA進行抗原特異性免疫反應,作為模擬藥酒製劑的作用調節實際免疫反應之評估。我們以偵測包括實驗小鼠免疫細胞對注射之特定抗原,所刺激增加血液中抗原專一性抗體製造的程度、免疫T細胞增殖反應及細胞激素分泌程度的改變,以及遲發性過敏反應作為檢測項目。針對以上項目進行實驗所得到的結果,第一年將可對於所檢測的金門龍鳳藥酒與十全大補藥酒二項藥酒製劑在免疫功能上的作用有正確的分析與了解,並期望對藥酒製劑之免疫功能,能建立一套標準化的檢測模式。第二年則進一步研究龜鹿二仙酒對免疫功能之影響。
關鍵字:藥酒; 免疫能力; 動物模式

Studies on the component analysis and the effect of release of marker components in plaster formulas and tonic wine formulas. (3-2)-Evaluation of the effects of tonic wines on immune functions.

Nai Yueh Tien and Ming Shiou Jan
Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science
The people in our country always care how to keep good health, make strong body, and resist diseases. Within lots of materials and methods, drinking of tonic wine formulas is an important custom for making health. Because many herb sources of tonic wines had been identified to enhance immune activities, we are interested in the absolute effects of the tonic wines on the immune responses. We wish these effects could be examined and answered in this project. Studies will focus on three tonic wines these were described and prepared in the project of ??±Studies on the component analysis and the effect of release of marker components in plaster formulas and tonic wine formulas??. The animal models will be developed for analyzing the effects of the three tonic wine formulas on the immune regulation. The period of this project is designed for 2 years. The King-Man Long-Fong tonic wine and the Shih-Chuan-Da-Bu tonic wine are selected to be targets in the first year, and the third tonic wine i
關鍵字:King-Man Long-Fong, Shih-Chuan-Da-Bu, immune function, animal model