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CCMP91-RD-114 中藥酒製程規格化及其貯存安定性之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:91-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


中藥藥性溫和,副作用小,目前世界上已流行中藥養生保健,使得中藥愈受重視,且逐漸蔚為風潮。但由於中藥成分複雜,藥材的變異性大,致使產品品質一致性甚難掌握,為了因應國際化的目標,以及建立藥酒之泡製製程規格化與品質管理標準,同時確保其安全性、有效性,及再現性等,確有研究之必要性。目前市面上藥酒之泡製皆以高濃度酒精加以浸泡,再行稀釋至30~35°酒精濃度做為成品之酒精濃度。本試驗擬先行採市售藥酒之樣品,先行分析其糖之含量及其酒精度,藉以了解其為何能保存不變敗之原因。再進一步以衛生署公布之中藥酒劑基準方進行試驗,探討以較低酒精濃度(14﹪) 做為成品之酒精濃度,測試是否可保存或延長成品之貯存期限及開瓶後儲存期間不受微生物之污染等以確保成品品質為目標,並建立製程之規格化。實施方法:1.91年度:依據90年度之試驗成果,再依中藥酒劑基準方(一)選定十全大補藥酒進行浸漬、調配製品之規格化、貯存安定性等作一系列之探討。 2. 92年度:選定中藥酒劑基準方(七)之龜鹿二仙酒進行浸漬、調配、製品之規格化、貯存安定性等作一系列之探討。

Study on the normalization of Herbal wine and its shelf-life

Chin-Yin Tseng
Department of Food Science, National Chiayi University
Tonic wine, a popular and traditional healthy beverage in orient society, will beinvestigated in this research proposal. To achieve the tough work, clearly understandingthe properties of commercial products is very important. Thus, we will first analyzethe percentage of alcohol and the Brix of sugar in the commercial tonic wine to figure outits long-term storage without any quality defects. Then, developing low alcoholconcentration and prolonging its storage time after first sipping/opening will be exploredto obtain high quality tonic wine with a standardized process format. We proposedto complete process standardization and develop three kinds of tonic wine includingLong-Fong wine, Shu-Chien-Da-Bu wine, and Gwei-Lu-Urh-Sien wine in three years.In the first year (2001), the compositional analysis and the content determination of sugarand alcohol in wine will be carried out. Besides, the process standardization andquality control of tonic wine manufacture will be set up for making
關鍵字:Tonic wine, elemental analysis, quality control, process format standardization