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CCMP102-RD-019 台灣特有種藥用植物─阿里山十大功勞改善高脂飲食誘導非酒精性脂肪肝小鼠之代謝體及保健功效研究(2-1)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-09-26
  • 更新時間:111-02-14


計畫主持人:彭文煌 執行單位:中國醫藥大學
本計畫主要目的,擬以高脂飼料誘導小鼠非酒精性脂肪肝之模式,應用代謝體學研究理論,釐清阿里山十大功勞對脂肪肝的保健功效,並系統化瞭解藥材品質對其功效的相關性。本團隊已建立基於質譜及核磁共振完整之代謝體分析平台,以期完成阿里山十大功勞改善脂肪肝之保健功效開發,並有效建立其品質管制方法。 阿里山十大功勞藥材大量收集及成分萃取皆已完成,藥材產地皆為嘉義縣山區,採集日期及時間皆為同一批次,皆有進行植物標本建立。動物實驗預計將於103年三月底完成動物實驗。 小蘗鹼、巴馬汀、黃連鹼、藥根鹼、表小蘗鹼、甲基黃連鹼、非洲防己鹼、木蘭花鹼與芸香苷9種指標成分之“一測多評” 法之分析方法建立部分,目前除了非洲防己鹼標準品純度較低外,其他化合物皆利用HPLC完成測定其純度,並收集NMR圖譜。部分化合物已完成分析條件之測試,目前標準品皆能在HPLC上分開,正在建立以藥材中某一典型成分(小蘗鹼)為對照物,建立該成分與其他成分間的相對相應因子,完成一測多評分析方法建立,本研究建立之方法具有快速、穩定之特色。 


Metabolomics and health function study of Mahonia oiwakensis on high-fat diet induced non-alcoholic fatty liver mice (2-1)
Peng, Wen-Huang Department of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chinese Medicine Resources, College of Pharmacy, China Medical University
This study was intended to investigate the effect of Mahonia oiwakensis (MO) using the proteomics and metabolomics on high-fat diet-induced NAFLD model in mice. This research was categorized into three axes: (1) Quantitative analysis of multi-components using a single marker (QAMS) to simultaneously measure the content of the marker components in the Chinese medical material MO. Based on the simultaneous measurements of the eight major alkaloids and one flavonoid of MO, we established a QAMS investigation model and verify the feasibility of the measurement. (2) Research on the mice fed a high fat diet to induce NAFLD used metabolomics to explore how the molecular mechanism of MO improved fat deposits in livers. Based on fat metabolic disorders of mice triggered by a high-fat diet, this research used a NMR-based metabolomics strategy to analyze metabolic changes in different biological samples of blood, urine, and liver tissue. We also used biological information software to establish the metabolic path of MO. We have finished the collection and extraction of MO. The animal study had been started at 31 Aug and will be finished the induction of NAFLD and treatment of MO at 31 Dec. The measurements of liver tissue, serum and metabolomics will be finished at 28 Feb 2014. We have established a QAMS investigation model and verify the feasibility of the measurement. We further used principal components analysis (PCA) to obtain data to establish the standard plot of the optimal harvest time for MO. The research results serve as a reference for regulating the quality control guidelines of MO, and possessed rapid and stable properties. Keywords:Mahonia oiwakensis, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, metabolomics, quantitative analysis of multi-components by single marker (QAMS), quality control