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CCMP102-RD-007 全民健康保險對於濃縮中藥給付之合理性及對策研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-09-26
  • 更新時間:111-02-14

鄭慧文、余萬能 中華民國藥事品質改革協會



Study on Developing Resonable Payments of Concentrated Chinese Medicine for National Health Insurance

Hui-wen Cheng and Wan-nan Yu Quality Improvement for Pharmaceutical Affairs Association, Taiwan

The purpose of this project is to promote industrial development, maintain the safety for the Chinese medicine usage, and review if the payments of concentrated Chinese medicine and pharmaceutical service from National Health Insurance are reasonable. Survey and analysis on the payment system of National Health Insurance will be conducted, and the legislative background of the statutory dispenser of Chinese medicine will also be discussed through an effective regulatory advisory system. And an optimal cost of pharmaceutical service will be evaluated through the analysis on preparation quantities, purchasing prices, dispensing time and workloads, production cost of the pharmaceutical companies in accordance with availability of professionals, the legal system of pharmaceutical affairs. A policy on reasonable payment will be discussed in workshops with industrial, governmental and academic experts and will then be made recommendations to CCMP.