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CCMP95-TP-008-1 中藥有害物質檢驗技術平台之研究與開發

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-08-14
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


本計畫的目的是配合中醫藥健康安全防護網計畫「中藥有害物質檢驗技術與管理」。預計兩年內達成中草藥『重金屬殘留』、『農藥殘留』及『微生物』檢測平台之研究開發,並建立中草藥『重金屬殘留』、『農藥殘留』、『微生物』及『添加物』檢測(含前處理及檢測)之標準化作業流程。本計畫第一年度實施方法擬持續彙集杜仲、枇杷葉、肉桂、桂枝、桂皮、白及、五加皮、梔子、茵陳、川木通、沙苑蒺藜、白前、柴胡、川芎、熟地黃;、赤芍、黨參、枸杞、天麻、丹參、人參、當歸、黃耆、生地黃、白芍、茯苓等26種具肝、腎及其他方面毒性之中藥材建立其(1)重金屬鉛、鎘及汞之分析確效;(2)重金屬檢驗時不同檢品的前處理方式;(3)農藥殘留之分析確效;(4)農藥殘留檢驗時不同檢品的前處理方式;(5)非規定無菌藥品的微生物限量試驗之檢測流程包括:嗜氧性總生菌數、總真菌數及有害微生物(大腸桿菌(Escherichia coli)、沙門氏桿菌(Salmonella species)、梭狀芽孢桿菌(Clostridium spp.)、綠膿桿菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)、金黃色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)之分析確效;(6)對規定之無菌藥品進行抑細菌性及抑真菌性確效、無菌試驗濾膜法、無菌試驗直接接種法;(7) 微生物檢驗時不同檢品的前處理方式;(8)添加物如漂白劑及防腐劑之標準檢驗技術。第二年將延續第一年之成果,根據世界已出版的藥典及本計畫之研究成果建立中草藥原料及最終成品重金屬、農藥殘留及微生物衛生標準,並將上述『重金屬殘留』、『農藥殘留』、『微生物』及『添加物』檢測技術之標準化作業流程(SOP),完成一本中草藥有害物質檢測技術參考書籍,除此之外,可以一般研習會方式將技術轉移給所有全台之中草藥廠(約100家),促成台灣中草藥的品質可與國際接軌。中草藥的原物料可能為植物,因此若儲存不良將容易引起黴菌滋生,尤其是黃麴菌的污染將可能產生黃麴毒素,中草藥成品除了進行微生物監控外,黃麴毒素的檢驗也是重要的衛生安全檢查項目之一,目前,世界各國均尚未訂定中藥材中黃麴毒素限量,為保障民眾使用中藥之安全,衛生當局實有必要對市售中藥材制定管理標準的參考背景值,如黃耆等黃麴毒素限量標準。

Research and Development of Test Technique in Chinese Herb Harmful Materials

Tsan-Hwang Cheng
This proposed project is based on the project, "Establishment of the management and measurement technique on Chinese native medicine", which is the sub-projects of "Construction sub-item of the for medicinal purposes medicine security environment" conducted by the Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health. Therefore, this proposed project is to investigate the analytical platform and establish the standard operation porcedure (SOP) for the residue of heavy metal and pesticides and microbiology of Chinese herbal medicines within two years. Twenty-six kinds of Chinese herb medicines with toxicity in liver and kindney were chosen in the first year to estiblish their 1. analytical validation of the residue of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg); 2. the pretreatment methods of heavy metal in different chinese herb samples; 3. analytical validation of the residue of pesticides; 4. the pretrement method of pesticides in different chinese herb samples; 5. the analytical validation of the limitation test of microbiology, including Escherichia coli, Salmonella species, Clostridium spp, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus; 6. antibacterial and antifungus validation in asepsis medicine; 7. the pretreatment method of microbiology detection in different Chinese herb samples; 8. the standard analytical technique of bleoch and anticorrosive.
關鍵字:heavy metal measurement;pesticides residue measurement;microbiology measurement;aflatoxin measurement