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CCMP97-RD-038 中醫健保十大藥方臨床應用之探討

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16


在21世紀生命科學迅猛發展和回歸自然的世界潮流中,中國傳統醫學的突破,有可能成爲中華民族對整個人類的新的重大貢獻。辨證論治是中醫學中最具特色的部分,而證法方藥是辨證論治原則的集中體現,其中證候是中醫認識疾病的重要單元、單位,複方是針對證候設立的主要治療手段。證候和複方是中醫學的關鍵問題,中醫藥現代化研究以此爲切入點,有可能揭開中醫藥調節原理之謎。本研究期望透過發生於中醫科門診最重要的五種疾病,並選出排序最前之五項方劑,透過健保資料庫分析、文獻探討、典籍查詢及中醫專家意見,以期建構中醫五種重要疾病及其使用方劑組合之臨床應用、實證串聯、及與病患特性、醫療機構特性及中醫師基本特性差異性之整合性資料檔。本計畫研究目的如下: 1.歸納及整理中醫科門診最重要之五項疾病及其相對應使用排序最前之五項方劑各項組合。 2.分析病患基本特性、醫療機構基本特性及中醫師基本特性於各項組之差異性。 3.探討及了解各執業中醫師及中醫專家學者對於各項組合之看法與建議。 4.比較及分析各項組合與中醫理論、臨床實務經驗之相關性。

Study of the clinical applications of Chinese medicinal prescriptions – in national Health Insurance

Jaung-Geng Lin Tso-chiang Ma
China Medical University
In the 21st century lives science swift and violent development and in the return natural trends in the world, the Chinese tradition medicine breakthrough has the possibility to become the Chinese nation to the entire humanitys new significant contribution. The differentiation of symptoms and signs is most characteristic in the traditional Chinese medicine. The syndrome is a unit of Chinese medicine diseases. The compound prescription is a method to cure diseases which direct at Syndromes. Syndrome and compound prescription are a key question of Chinese medicine. The Chinese medicine modernization research cuts into the spot by this, which has the possibility to open riddle of the Chinese medicine adjustment principle. Our study is aimed to use and analyze health insurance information files to collect most important five kinds of diseases that Occur in the Chinese Medical Department outpatient service, and selects the arrangement most front five places of compound prescriptions. According to preceding data, we will collect Traditional Chinese Medical (TCM) literature, ancient books, modern books and papers, and discuss with traditional Chinese doctor and specialist to compare, generalize and analyze.
關鍵字:traditional Chinese Medical;compound prescription