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CCMP96-RD-009 中醫藥國際化人才之培訓(II)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-14
  • 更新時間:106-06-15



Internationazation Personnel Training Program in Traditional Chinese Medicine (II)

Chang, Yuan Shiun
China Medical University.
Participation in World Health Assembly and World Health Organization has been the major goal of the people in the nation. Many non-governmental organizations such as Foundation of Medical Professionals Alliance in Taiwan (FMPAT) had been working very hard in the past. The TCM Communities which did not communicate much with international counterparts in the past did not participate in this national campaign. Therefore, international personnel training program in TCM became very important. This project will offer 3 credits (54 hours) English courses in TCM on weekend for Chinese medicine communities including academic staffs, clinical practitioners, industrial personnels and students from related graduate and undergraduate programs. The courses will offer the participants to discuss TCM in English environments. For more people to participate, the project will also organize a two days International Symposium on TCM. The whole session will be conducted in English. Besides the TCM related topics, we will also arrange internationalization related titles to encourage the participants to participate in the international TCM related activities. The two day symposium will be video recorded in DVD format and submitted to Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health. This project will also collect information on TCM or TM/CAM related symposiums or conferences and post it on the websites of CCMP.
關鍵字:Internationalization of TCM;Personnel Training;English Courses in TCM;Symposium