本計畫擬進行一雙盲、隨機且有控制安慰劑的交叉試驗,嘗試以中醫臨床有效治療方劑少腹逐瘀湯加減來治療糖尿病多發性神經病變,評估其對糖尿病神經病變疼痛緩解及其對周邊神經功能(壓覺、振動覺及神經傳導速率) 改善情形。
The study of modified Shao-Fu-Zhu-Yu-Tang in treating Diabetic Periphery Neuropathy (2-1)
Tzung-Chang Tsai
China Medical University
Diabetic polyneuropathy is one of the most common long-term complications of diabetes affecting~50% of all diabetic people. The neuropathies developing in patients with diabetes are known to be heterogeneous by their symptoms, pattern of neurologic involvement course rich covariates, pathologic attenuations, and underlying mechanisms. The typical diabetic peripheral neuropathy is a chronic, symmetric, length-dependent sensor motor polyneuropathy and is through to be the most common variety. It develops on a background of lung standing hyperglycemia, accumulation of advanced gyration and products, oxidative stern and lipid attenuations among other metabolic abnormalities, and cardiovascular risk factor. Pharmacological management of painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy almost inclusively counts of symptomatic therapies. First line therapies for painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy are a typical antidepressant, duloxetine, pregahalin, or gabapeutin, taking into account patient comorbides and cost. In the research , we will evaluate the modified Shao-Fu-Zhu-Yu-Tang in treating painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
關鍵字:Diabetic peripheral neuropathy, Shao-Fu-Zhu-Yu-Tang, Traditional Chinese Medicine