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CCMP101-RD-009 建構中醫藥就醫用藥安全衛生教育模式

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-07
  • 更新時間:106-06-12


目的:透過有系統的中醫藥衛生教育教導民眾,使國民了解中醫藥的健康概念,並應用中醫藥的知識實施健康自我管理。執行方法: 系統性分析整理相關以往研究報告,進行團體焦點質性研究擬出各主題及因應方案初稿,以以上初稿設計問卷,邀請各領域專家成立專家委員會議定主題及分組討論出各組初步共識,擬訂出中醫藥衛生教育核心主軸,並置於「正確用藥互動數位資訊學習網」網站供參考。建立不同年齡層族群中醫就醫、中藥用藥安全核心能力教材。規劃各年齡層族群民眾正確中醫就醫及中藥用藥安全之衛生教育課程內容及成效評估機制。規劃普及中醫藥衛生教育提供者之專業知能繼續教育或常規訓練。成立中醫藥衛生教育資源中心。建構各年齡層族群民眾中醫藥正確就醫及中藥用藥安全衛生教育教學模式。舉辦發表會,並進行成效評估。

The construction of Chinese medicine administration and used safety health education mode

Ming-Kung Yeh
Ming-Fang Lin Professor Clinical Pharmacy Development Foundation
Purpose: Through a system of Chinese medicine administration and medicine safety use health education teach people to inform nationals of Chinese medicine health concepts, and apply the knowledge of Chinese medicine health self-management. Methods: By systemic analysis of the previous studies to summery the issue, and using the focus groups and questionnaire research figure out the core issue. Then invited experts in various fields to set up the Committee of experts to develop core ability for Chinese medical used education, and put in "medication interactive digital learning network" Web site for reference. We also will establish different age groups for medical treatment, medication safety teaching materials of core competence of Chinese medicine in traditional Chinese medicine. Plans for the age group of people of proper medical treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine drug safety course content and effectiveness of health education evaluation mechanisms. Planning and universal provider of medical education in continuing education or professional competence in conventional training. Set up the pharmaceutical and public health education resource centre is major issue too. Construction all ages’ groups people the right to seek medical treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine drug safety and health education teaching model. Finally, the outcome evaluation and results will present by the press.
關鍵字:health self-management, Chinese medicine drug safety and health education teaching model